Peuyeum Bandung from Indonesian

Bandung city is a paradise for culinary lovers. In this city there are many different types of foods that are not found in other cities in Indonesia. Some types of food are usually a coveted favorite for tourists who come to this town, either to take home as souvenirs or simply to satisfy the tongue to taste it.
Bandung is a city of culinary tourism, one of the typical food is peuyeum bandung bandung, peuyeum is a food made from fermented cassava, this food dicurahakan into a song titled Peuyeum bandung, the following fragment of the song:

Peuyeum bandung kamasyur
Noble teu Pangaosna
My sadaya kagaleuh
Elderly jeung murangkalih

(peuyeum famous Bandung
the price is not expensive
bought by all
parents and children)

Fragment above illustrates that song peyeum bandung bandung is the typical food of the famous long ago and when we buy cheap and quite affordable by anyone who mebelinya. so do not be surprised if this food was excellent food one western Java, which is not only interested in becoming citizens by melaikan bandung - by the tourists from outside the city of bandung.
Besides can be eaten immediately can peuyeum bandung dikreasikan example colenak, colenak good dicocol stands made from the burned bandung peuyeum then served with a sauce made from grated coconut and brown sugar.

peuyeum can be recycled into other foods such as is colenak.
Dicocol stands Colenak good (languages Sunda), is a food made from peuyeum (tape cassava) that were burned and then served with a sauce made from grated coconut and brown sugar. Bandung foods that still survive today although somewhat rare that sell them. Because the sugar content in the tape then the tape is easily burned, although this is the most delicious part for some people.
for lovers of culinary, colenak (dicocol good) is a comestible from Bandung that familiar. Made from tape burns liquid laced with sugar and grated coconut, colenak delicious eaten with a cup of coffee or sweet tea.

PEUYEUM (tape cassava) had long known as a traditional food that tastes sweet, slightly acidic and slightly aromatic alcohol. From time to time be peuyeum favorite food of Indonesian society, because it's distinctiveness and not boring to eat.
Nutrient peuyeum is contained in 0, 5% protein, 0, 1% fat, 42, 5% carbohydrates, 56, 1% water. In addition there are 82 micrograms of vitamin B1, 23 milligrams phosphorus, and 28 milligrams of calcium in each 100 grams peuyeum.
Peuyeum manufacturing process includes two stages of fermentation of starch solution phase into simple sugars by the fungus and the stage of decomposition of sugar into alcohol by yeasts. Byproduct of the second phase of the reaction of carbon dioxide and organic acids. Process carbohydrates into sugar solution is due to enzymes produced by some molds and yeast (yeast). These enzymes include alpha-amylase, beta amylase, iso amylase, maltase, amiloglukosidase, and phosforilase. In addition, enzymes produced protease, lipase, and the deaminase. At the time of fermentation of sugars will be converted into alcohols, organic acids and carbon dioxide gas. Enzymes produced by yeasts such as hexokinase, acetaldehyde, dehydrogenase, carboxylase, invertase, enolase, and aldolase, to convert sugar into alcohol by fermentation of glucose to pyruvic acid. Pyruvic acid is then converted into alcohol and carbon dioxide gas. A byproduct is formed of organic acids such as lactic acid, acetic acid, succinic acid, pyruvic acid, acetaldehyde, and glycerol.
Peuyeum good and quality is fragrant, delicious, sticky, sweet, not sour taste. To produce a good peuyeum needed a good yeast too. Sour taste in peuyeum often happens, this is due to the fermentation process continues to form acid. Formation caused by the bacterium Acetobacter acid that participates in yeast (yeast). Acetobacter oxidative nature can break the sugar into acetic acid. Establishment of a sour taste in less preferred peuyeum that sometimes the producers added a sweetener in the manufacture of synthetic peuyeum.
sweetener which is appended saccharin, saccharin namuan amounts realtif slightly.
Saccharin is no calorie sweetener "oldest" which has been approved for use by the FDA. He is also the most widely sweeteners studied in the world and various studies are increasingly proving its security level. Saccharin has been approved for use in more than 100 countries and is one of the most widely sweeteners used.
Saccharin actually metabolized by the body is not so safe to use. The FDA estimates that the use of saccharin is 50 mg per person per day. JECFA ADI for saccharin to give as much as 5 mg / kg body weight per day.
Saccharin has a sweetness level between 200 and 700 times than sucrose (table sugar). Even so, he did not contribute calories to the products that use it. Another advantage lies in the relatively cheap price compared to other sweeteners.
In the year 1977, had been a problem because the allegedly saccharin may cause health problems. FDA intended to prohibit the use of saccharin based on the reports of cancer in rats. In the same year, the U.S. Congress to the FDA moratorium on the ban but requiring that products containing saccharin to include a warning: The use of this product may be hazardous to health. This product contains saccharin which is known to cause cancer in experimental animals. This moratorium has been extended several times.
In 1981, saccharin into the list of materials anticipated carcinogen. However, research on a large number of users does not support these allegations. No significant relationship was found between saccharin and cancer, except in men heavy smokers.
In 1991, the FDA has officially pulled back its ban and the saccharin can be used in a variety of products. However, the amount should be written clearly saccharin in food labels and are limited to a certain degree depending on the type of product.
Saccharin can pass through the placental blood barrier and can settle in fetal tissue. This is because the fetus's ability to "make clean" is still slow. Therefore, pregnant women should be careful when using products containing saccharin.
Other sweeteners are FDA-approved:
1. Aspartame
2. Acesulfame potassium
3. Sukralosa

Selasa, 12 Januari 2010

Peuyeum Bandung

Bandung merupakan kota wisata kuliner, salah satu makanan khas bandung adalah peuyeum bandung, peuyeum adalah suatu makanan terbuat dari singkong yang difermentasi, makanan ini dicurahakan kedalam sebuah syair lagu yang berjudul Peuyeum bandung, berikut penggalan lagu tersebut:

Peuyeum bandung kamasyur
Pangaosna teu luhur
Ku sadaya kagaleuh
Sepuh jeung murangkalih

(peuyeum Bandung tersohor
harganya tidak mahal
terbeli oleh semua
orang tua dan anak-anak)

Penggalan lagu diatas menggambarkan bahwa peyeum bandung merupakan makanan khas bandung yang terkenal sejak dulu serta apabila kita membelinya harganya murah dan cukup terjangkau oleh siapa saja yang mebelinya. sehingga tidak heran jika makanan ini jadi salah satu makanan primadona jawa barat, yang tidak hanya diminati oleh warga bandung melaikan mejadi oleh - oleh bagi wisatawan dari luar kota bandung.
Selain bisa langsung dimakan peuyeum bandung pun bisa dikreasikan misalnya saja colenak, colenak kepanjangan dari dicocol enak yang dibuat dari peuyeum bandung yang dibakar kemudian disajikan dengan saus yang dibuat dari parutan kelapa dan gula merah.

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